“How much will you pay for an extra day?”
The clock man asked the child.
“Not one penny,” the answer came,
“For my days are as many as smiles.”

“How much will you pay for an extra day?”
He asked when the child was grown.
‘”Maybe a dollar or maybe less,
For I’ve plenty of days of my own.”

“How much will you pay for an extra day?”
He asked when the time came to die.
“All of the pearls in all of the seas,
And all of the stars in the sky.”

-Shel Silverstein 

“As for man,” the Psalmist declares, “his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes. When the wind has passed over it, it is no more.” How much would you pay for an extra day? As Shel Silverstein’s simple little parable reminds us, our answer may depend on our age. I’ve had many an old timer tell me that “youth is wasted on the young.” As disciples walking in the way of Jesus, it is important for us to remember that while we have hope in a resurrection, that does not mean our time is any less precious. In fact, it is all the more so. We have a limited time on this earth to be part of God’s Kingdom-building work. We only have a limited amount of time to show Christ’s self-sacrificing love to others. One day spent serving and loving is more precious that all of the pearls in all of the seas, and all of the stars in the sky.

Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear…

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